Category Archives: Month 10

Doing Something Right

This morning my children gave me a little sign that I am doing ok by them. Breaking the cyclic grip of ED and not passing it on. Continue reading

Dysfunctional Scaffolding

After posting about achievements I inevitably have a bit of an emotional crash and feel low. I had a breakthrough of a possible cause last night.
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All We Can Be….

Forgiveness is allowed. We can’t be everything to everyone. We don’t have to be in control all the time. We are allowed to be flawed, everyone is. Everyone!

Accept you and all that you are. You are greater than you know!

Unlock what you hide from others theough fear. You are capable of so much!

Let go. Let go of all the negative comments,  opinions and comments. They do not difine you, you do!

Move forward and have faith in youself. You will surprise youself!

All this is within your reach. Take it one step at a time and you will make progress.

Make your own goals and targets to achieve.  No one else can do that, no matter what they think or say. Those that matter will help you up. Those thay don’t….leave them behind in your thoughts. Build your own walls around their attempts to drive you down.

Make the choice to not accept being told you can’t. Don’t look for validation in those that have crushed you before,  they will do it again. Use your achievements to show yourself how wrong they are.

You can succeed! Choose to believe it and if you can’t get there yet. Choose to try and change that.x

What Lies Within


Being in the grip of self loathing, inadequacy and failure is hell. We go round in circles trying to change things, to feel normal and able to step outside without the burning embarrassment our bodies create. How do we stop it? Who could possibly understand or want to be burdened with our crushed self esteem. That’s if we can actually articulate how you feel!
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A Little Relief

Having made a call to get some help for how I’m feeling, a weight has been lifted. I suppose that would be the burden of trying to carry all of this on my own. It puzzles me why we feel the need to try and cope alone with something so life changing.
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Taking My Own Advice!

I have been trying to stay srong, keep going and doing this alone. I’m not helping anyone,  least of all myself! Having been caught in the consequences of someone elses refusal to get hep for depression,  I had a word with myself when I read my lasy post back. My appointment with the GP is booked. I will go and get help and accept that I can do it all alone. My husband needs it too, I don’t want him having to deal with the consequences of me sticking my head in the sand.

Helping You To See How Far You Can Go


I write my blog as a form of therapy. It’s a wonderful tool to get out those emotions that I often hold in. After 10 months of recording my progress,  both ups and downs, I am feeling relaxed and pleased with my progress.
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Perceptions Are Our Undoing


Try something with me for a minute, a word association game.   Can you list 10 words associated with the word food? What you think about? Are your respnses positive or negative?

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