Category Archives: Month 11

Liebster Award & Nominations


I was recently surprised to be nominated for a Liebster Award, by So Tired of Me!

Here are the rules:
1.Post the award on your blog.
2.Thank the blogger who presented you the award and provide a link back to their blog.
3.Write five random facts about yourself
4.Nominate five other bloggers who you feel deserve the award and have less than 200 followers.
5.Answer five questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees five questions.

These are the questions that So Tired Of Me! asked me to answer……..

1. If there was a time in your life that you were depressed, what did you do to help yourself?
This time last year I was at my lowest. I wanted a way out and knew I had to find one. so after some research I decided to make 2014 a different year for me. I set new goals and challenges for myself, the first was an outlet for my emotions and so began my blog.

2. Do you have any pets? If so, how long have you had them?
I don’t have pets, although I would love to.

3. Do you play any video games?
very rarely.

4. If you had one piece of advice to give to your younger self, what would it be?
Don’t feel guilty for having limitations.

5. Who is the most inspirational person in your life & why?
My best friend! The strength she has is amazing and she still finds time to be there for me too, no matter what. She has taught me so much!

Ok, so here are the five questions I’d like YOU to answer!

1. What was the last random act of kindness someone did for you?
2. What song can make you smile?
3. Which city in the world do you like most?
4. Would you answer the door in your pyjamas?
5. Do you wear colours to match how your feeling?

The lovely blogs I nominate are:

It’s a Battle
ED Recovery
Feminine and Feline
Pills and Spills

The Unexpected- A New Direction


What a month November has been… Continue reading

A Difficult Day – Binge

Today was my first binge in quite a while. I had my GP appointment for depression and anxiety. I am back on medication to help manage my symptoms. I have requested a referal for counselling and the GP has referred me to an eating disorder clinic. Continue reading

Making Good Progress


I made it through last week and the weekend without ordering take out. That’s a good start to shaking up what I eat. We ate a McDonald’s but that was due to our location, so I skipped the bun and had lots of chicken instead. The difference is I chose to eat home cooked and the fast food. Neither choice was with angst or stress. I may have found choosing what to eat a bit of a long process but I got there in th end, without taking an easy option.
Continue reading

A Re-education

Previous attempts to lose weight have always been about fitting in, smaller clothes and massively (unsustainable) restrictions. I can now see that the focus being on what I couldn’t have, was always going to make diets ineffective.

Everything was centred around not having certain foods and then allowing them in as treats. This time I have to switch my thoughts to what I can have and find lots of it. Continue reading