Tag Archives: caring

Body Negative Conversation Bullshit

So picture this, you’re at a family gathering, sharing time, laughs and catching up with relatives (you know the ones you actually like and can spend time with). Of all the topics of conversation possible: Billy’s new little shit scenarios, Daisy’s graduation from her college programme (despite being vietually nocturnal) or Granddad’s new fishing record (he caught something after 3 years of saying ‘This is my day’). The possibilites for hearing those great missed moments are endless…so what is talked about most of the day? Eating, size and fucking diets!

Now I get more than most the inner turmoil of walking up to the buffet table and filling a plate in front of others but why do the older generation feel the need to discuss size at this point? Its banded round like a joke about gaining and changing size. Is it any wonder that the more vulnerable shrink away and look at themselves through those eyes?

Why is it so hard to make a connection between how they speak about others and the people in the room being affected? Especially after being discreetly told that one family member has an ED but another is slowly slipping into major restrictions with their food? They all gasp and share concern when warned that we need to keep it body positive (if you need to take about it all). I personally prefer hearing about Billy dragging the plant across the room filling the lounge with soil, it’s far more entertaining!

These social gatherings are like watching a snowball grow as the judgemental conversation gathers pace, almost everyone joining in. Is it a right of passage to being a grown up in the family circle that I wasn’t informed of, my comtibution: screaming ‘THIS, AGAIN?!’ followed by throwing a plate at the wall, at least mentally anyway.

It wasn’t just a short spell but all bloody day and its damn hard to stay positive when you’re surrounded. In fact I probably over ate to drown it out a bit, whilst trying to gently guide the other one following all the habits I started with so many years ago, funnily enough, surrounded by the same conversations from different people.

I’m kind fighting this one alone because I hope that I can use what I’ve learnt to protect them. Whilst I mentally slap those filling the room with body negative chatter, even if they are lovely people the rest of the time.

Anyone wondering, well why didn’t you just change the subject?…hmmm…it turns out when you switch it to politics and the debate of Trump sinking America into the dark ages and the recent European changes, that is short lived because apparently “some people are sensitive about it”. (This is where my head hits the table, I lift it up and drop it again for good measure).

I think I need to get one of those signs put up normally reserved for happy anecdotes on house rules like laughter and fluffy stuff. Only mine will read…Diets are bullshit, weight is just a number and if you take about size I will chase you out the house faster than I hit the bar on a kid free night out!

Empath’s Who Are We

This diagram is a beautiful over view of how us Empaths are. The article is very thorough, if you haven’t had the chance to meet an Empathy or perhaps you find people often don’t understand when you talk about your responses to various things, it could help you.

Loving an Empath – by Alex Myles – http://wp.me/p2HC5t-Lh

LGBT Support – Speak Up

Whether your part of the LGBT community or an Ally its worth a look. This book looks pretty inspiring. There are so many young people who need support or just to know they are accepted. June is Pride month in the US.


A Whole New Me – With Added Confidence and Boundaries!

Each time I go through a dark period, I come out of it eventually with new found progress. It seems logical that after months of struggling to function day to day, my progress would be greater. Even I have been taken by surprise at the changes that have become apparent in the last couple of weeks. Continue reading

Please Read This – You Need To Be Taken Care Of Too

I came across this article recently, I think it’s a pretty important reminder for us all, especially those who habitually put their own needs last. I found it quite moving.


If We Said Our Negative Thoughts About Ourselves Out Loud, Could Their Power Over Us Be Removed?

Check this powerful video out from Dove France. It hits home hard but left me with a feeling of empowerment. I don’t have to berate myself and I’d be devastated to hear much loved friends and family talk about themselves or to others the way I do myself. That bitch in my head needs to be gone, she’s no friend of mine any more! Continue reading

Online Friends Are What Keep Me Going

If we chat on here or another social platform, thank you! Continue reading

January Without Punishment


This is the first January I can remember where I haven’t felt the pressure and stress of trying to lose huge amounts of weight.

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What Lies Within


Being in the grip of self loathing, inadequacy and failure is hell. We go round in circles trying to change things, to feel normal and able to step outside without the burning embarrassment our bodies create. How do we stop it? Who could possibly understand or want to be burdened with our crushed self esteem. That’s if we can actually articulate how you feel!
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Thank You For Supporting Me♥


After feeling like I was unravelling, I’m back on track. Mostly thanks to messages and a little note from people who took the time to care. I appreciate every one of them. Thank you so much to everyone. I’d be lost without this support.x

Lupie Thoughts...

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which has the potential to turn a life around. That is what you do for me, by being there to hold my hand every time I break down, lose hope…

Thank you for being there for me… Thank you for being you!


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