
Fighting BED

Bio: In January 2014 I started a rather hard task of trying to overcome my eating disorder. Although I'm currently battling with Binge Eating Disorder, I do have a past of Anorexia. I knew it would be a long road, but I wanted to share the journey, with a view to end 2014 in a different state of mind.... I managed to do end the year with my binges hardly occurring at all (although the thoughts are still there). I have improved my self esteem and am working on accepting myself the way I am. Having this blog has made such a huge difference to my life. Previously acknowledging and dealing with my emotions wasn't something I was able to do. I also felt completely alone and lost. In contrast I now have somewhere that I feel I belong, have met friends and also help to support others going through the same difficulties.So it is for that reason that I have decided to continue into 2016. I believe that the more people speak up about how life is with ED and mental health issues, we can help to end the stigmas associated with these conditions.

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4 thoughts on “About

  1. thecrazylady

    I just wanted to letc you know how possible it is to find recovery, peace and joy. I suffered for years with an eating disorder and depression. I haven’t stepped on a scale or thought about my weight or what I am eating or spent 8 hours a day exercising in more than six years. I wake up looking forward to each day and finding something to be grateful for and happy about in each moment. You are on the right track, you are not alone and you have cheerleaders cheering the Awesome and beautiful you onto success and happiness.

    1. Fighting BED Post author

      Thank you. It’s great to know that recovery to that level is possible. Especially at times like now, where I am struggling to stay on track.


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