Tag Archives: Change

Shaking Up The Summer Wardrobe, With A Little Help From F&F


We can all experience struggles with clothing this time of year; be it sizes, cost, the fear of shopping in crowds or simply finding comfort in the heat! If you haven’t seen the summer F&F clothing range at Tesco yet, I’d highly recommend a look!

I bought multiple pairs of trousers!! This is completely unheard of for me when shopping outside of my ‘go to’ plus size store. I normally end up leaving with just tops and simply can’t fit into any of them or face trying on yet another pair of trousers to only end up with disappointment.

This year they have really upped thier game! Lots of choice, good sizes across the whole range and some of the most comfortable clothes I have had in years. I left with a whole bag full without breaking the bank and only one item was a top! I may hunt out a shiny sticker for myself on that score!

This summer my challenge is to be able to look in the mirror and feel good about what I have on. No clothes are going to make me instantly look smaller (I’m working on getting rid of that thought process all together) but I can choose to make choices that I feel good about.

So my usual same old outfits are getting a break and I am trying anything and everything new to see what suits me AS I AM, rather than longing for being smaller and self loathing.

Yesterday I felt good on the school run wearing my new super comfy trousers. I might give a skirt (with comfort shorts underneath) a whirl today. My wardrobe is a little hub of positivity right now and I’m loving it!

DBT Therapy, What Is It?


My therapy course is DBT (Dialectical Behavioural Therapy) this link will explain what that is and how it is applied to recovering from eating disorders.

2 Years & A Totally Different Person


It feels like five minutes ago I was writing about my first year milestone, yet here I am (even a few weeks late) recording the passing of my second personal anniversary; happy, stable and binge free!
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I Made It Out!

Over my 19 months of tackling this demon of BED I have either been in a state of anxiety or depression. Occasionally they decide the tag team system isn’t enough and make a simultaneous assault. It is what it is and we keep going, until one day you realise something else entirely is going on! Continue reading

Not Quite Ready To Face The World – Yet


Many of us tackling body image difficulties and eating disorders will have by now heard of the Body Image Movement.
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Why I’m Eating More Now Than I Ever Have And I Couldn’t Be Happier


Just 18 months ago starting out to get myself better was a scary process. The level of panic I felt just considering a life without a diet was all consuming. The only life I could envisage was one where I ate myself into an early grave. In my mind it was giving up and letting food take over my life, my definition of the ultimate failure!

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Hugely Positive Week & Still Needing To Be On Guard

I went to sleep last night still riding the high from the weekend. A night out, the first in a very long time and I loved every second! I felt myself and invigorated to have rediscovered my love of gigs. Food has been pushed even further down the priorities list in my dysfunctional head. Continue reading

A Whole New Me – With Added Confidence and Boundaries!

Each time I go through a dark period, I come out of it eventually with new found progress. It seems logical that after months of struggling to function day to day, my progress would be greater. Even I have been taken by surprise at the changes that have become apparent in the last couple of weeks. Continue reading

There Was A Positive At The End Of The Shit Tunnel Afterall

As I have been documenting, the last few months have been pretty low for me. My eating has been sporadic and gone back over. This last few weeks I have scaled everything back and been looking after myself and it is paying of with some pleasant changes. Continue reading

Mummy Is A Great Big Fraud, She Doesn’t Follow All The Things She Tells You About Food!

We have just had one if those chats, you known the daily ones we can have with our kids…

Child 1: “I’ve had enough, I want some cake”.

Me: “Hmm the dinner is untouched, you’re not having cake darling you need food”.

Child 2: ” I finished all mine and my cake, I would like something else”.

Me: “Of course, if you’re still hungry, what about an apple?”

Child 2: “no, more cake please”.

Me: “The cake was was quite large, if your still hungry eating fruit or a yogurt will give your body what it needs. More cake won’t”.

Child 2: ” No thank you” and tottles off to play.

Child 1 after watching this exchange:
” I want cake, don’t like this!”

Me: “I know you love that, you just want cake and that isn’t going to give you vitamins and energy for playing. We’re like cars, we don’t work properly if we don’t put fuel in. We get tired and can’t do things. Eat up before it goes too cold”.

Child 1: “I had enough” while food has one tiny bite in it.

Me:” OK but there is nothing else to eat if you leave that dinner”, leaves food in the hope they eat something.

Child 1 10mins later: “I’m hungry….”

Me: Has visions of smacking head on the wall, while sneaking another marshmallow in the kitchen.

I honestly believe the things I tell my kids, I make meals to make sure they get the nutrients they need while trying my best to keep their healthy view of food. It is fuel and just something to eat to them, which is lovely but as I say it I feels like a fraud.

I don’t eat right, my general diet is awful left to my own devices. I would quite happily eat take out most days lately. Thankfully finances do not allow for this! Also DH is in charge of shopping and cooking most days (until I get to a better phase). I want to give my kids the best start and avoid them being like me or picking up my bad habits. We eat after they go to bed and it’s a saving grace that keeps my evening habits out if sight.While I tell them all the right things it’s like having a voice in my head laughing because I cannot actually follow my own advice!