Tag Archives: Goals

Body Positive Holiday!

My recent holiday was the opposite of what I anticipated…

I chose comfort over other peoples opinions. I ate 3+3 every day to fuel my body and felt great. I chose balanced meals over a day and felt more confident in my own ability to look after myself. I had space and time out when I needed to and relaxed because of it. Ultimately I took control of what happened to me and took care of myself. The anxieties were left behind and squashed down, rather than the other way round. 

Now, I’m home and keeping these efforts going. I decided: I don’t want to be a version of someone else, I don’t even want to be thin any more. I want to be a stronger version of me!

2 Years & A Totally Different Person


It feels like five minutes ago I was writing about my first year milestone, yet here I am (even a few weeks late) recording the passing of my second personal anniversary; happy, stable and binge free!
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Why I’m Eating More Now Than I Ever Have And I Couldn’t Be Happier


Just 18 months ago starting out to get myself better was a scary process. The level of panic I felt just considering a life without a diet was all consuming. The only life I could envisage was one where I ate myself into an early grave. In my mind it was giving up and letting food take over my life, my definition of the ultimate failure!

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1 Year In!


That came around quickly! It doesn’t actually feel like twelve months. A lot has changed in that time.

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Liebster Award & Nominations


I was recently surprised to be nominated for a Liebster Award, by So Tired of Me!

Here are the rules:
1.Post the award on your blog.
2.Thank the blogger who presented you the award and provide a link back to their blog.
3.Write five random facts about yourself
4.Nominate five other bloggers who you feel deserve the award and have less than 200 followers.
5.Answer five questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees five questions.

These are the questions that So Tired Of Me! asked me to answer……..

1. If there was a time in your life that you were depressed, what did you do to help yourself?
This time last year I was at my lowest. I wanted a way out and knew I had to find one. so after some research I decided to make 2014 a different year for me. I set new goals and challenges for myself, the first was an outlet for my emotions and so began my blog.

2. Do you have any pets? If so, how long have you had them?
I don’t have pets, although I would love to.

3. Do you play any video games?
very rarely.

4. If you had one piece of advice to give to your younger self, what would it be?
Don’t feel guilty for having limitations.

5. Who is the most inspirational person in your life & why?
My best friend! The strength she has is amazing and she still finds time to be there for me too, no matter what. She has taught me so much!

Ok, so here are the five questions I’d like YOU to answer!

1. What was the last random act of kindness someone did for you?
2. What song can make you smile?
3. Which city in the world do you like most?
4. Would you answer the door in your pyjamas?
5. Do you wear colours to match how your feeling?

The lovely blogs I nominate are:

It’s a Battle
ED Recovery
Feminine and Feline
Pills and Spills

My Next Step, Helping Others


With my current upbeat mood and intention to work on my confidence, I am starting to lay plans for an online support group. Somewhere I can set up for others to share their journey and feel like they belong. This may take some time, as I don’t want to rush it and put unnecessary pressure on myself. But I’m doing so well with my eating disorder and depression. Being able to share what got me out of a dark place is important. it still helps me every day to know I am not alone in this battle. It will be something I have for life but I have found so many ways to cope and wisdom is nothing, if not for sharing!

Sharing My Photography For the First Time!

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Tonight is a scary one for me. I have decided to start putting photos on my blog. Not just one’s I come across, but my own work. I love photography and I love writing this blog, both of them are forms of therapy for me. So over the next few weeks (when I have the time to edit) there will be images popping up on lots of posts. They are personal to me and taken for a purpose, so where they may not be technically great, for me they say something. I’d love to have some feedback, be gentle though please:).

The image on this post probably gives an idea of how I feel posting these tonight. I feel as though I’m spinning just looking at it! I chose not to clone out the weeds, because like my writing, I’m trying to look at everything and embrace it.

The Time Has Come!

So after finding out I can carry on training,  (with just a short period of avoiding high impact on my crappy feet) It’s now time to up the training programme! Continue reading